
11 second Club October

This month's 11 second club entry. Was sort of short of time this month, had to rush through it near the end. Comments appreciated.

11 Second Club - October from Stefan Frank on Vimeo.


11 Second Club - October

Didn't really do too well in last month's 11 second club, hoping to do better this round. These are rough keys, feedback of any kind would be greatly appreciated.


11 Second Club

Here's my finished entry for this month's 11 second club. Not fully satisfied with it, still trying to figure out some of the kinks with this software, and I sort of started getting bored with it near the end. We'll see how well it does...



I always wanted to try matte painting so I decided this would be a good time to go for it. I made this by taking various photos, cutting out bits and pieces and sticking them together, doing lots of colour correction and lighting adjustment, and then painting in several more bits by hand to bring it all together.

Here is a mix of the photos I used to start with.


11 sec club - rough

decided to try the 11 second club this month. This is only rough keys.


Pirate Ship

Computer died, so tried some traditional work instead of digital, watercolours to be specific.


3D stuff

Been messing around with some 3D lately, these are two tests I put together. Click for larger ones.




More Paintings

Two new paintings; the first one is my entry this month for sketchthemes blog



Been messing around with some 3D over the last week, this is my first attempt at animating anything. The character rig used is Mancandy v2.48 and the software is Blender 2.48a


Something Different

Quick and scribbly, inspired by Shane's Masai tribesmen .The bottom one is a blatant ripoff of one of his.


Small update


More Paintings

Two more paintings I did over the last week. Second one based on reference.


First Post

This is a pretty big image dump, some old paintings, some new, no particular order.